Home               Composite Family
  Solidago arguta  Aiton

Sharp-leaved goldenrod.....
Woodland goldenrod.....





Perennial. Typical height is from 3 to 5 feet.  Stems are solitary or clustered from a branched caudex; glabrous below the inflorescence, becoming pubescent within the inflorescence.

The inflorescence is open, with relatively few, widely-spaced, ascending/recurved branches.

Flower heads are radiate, and are arranged one-sided on branches.  Ray and disc floret corollas are yellow.

Basal and lower stem leaves are often persistent at flowering.  They tend to be broadly ovate to nearly round, and borne on long, thin, winged petioles.  Mid- to upper stem leaves become progressively narrower and smaller upwards, and are borne on shorter, broader winged petioles. Basal, lower and mid-stem leaves have margins that are finely and evenly toothed.  Uppermost leaves tend to be ovate or elliptical in outline, sessile and often untoothed.

Plants of upland woods, forest edges and shaded roadsides; most often dry habitats.  Flowers mid-August to mid-September.  Native.

Our plants are Solidago arguta Aiton var. arguta

Similar species:  Solidago juncea, Solidago patula, Solidago ulmifolia.





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