Home               Composite Family
  Symphyotrichum novae-angliae  (L.) G.L. Nesom

New England aster.....

  Synonym:  Aster novae-angliae  L.  
Perennial.  Stems are solitary or clustered from a thick, woody caudex, or from short rhizomes; densely pubescent throughout, becoming densely glandular upwards as well.  Typical height is from 3 to 5+ feet.

The inflorescence is variable, sometimes tall and peaked (i.e., narrowed toward the summit), or alternatively rather round topped.  Heads tend to be concentrated towards ends of branches in compact, corymb-like arrays.

Flower heads are radiate.  Most plants have heads with purple rays, but plants with magenta, pink or white rays also occur. Disc floret corollas are yellow, turning reddish with age.  Involucral bracts are long, thin, spreading and recurved, densely covered with minute stalked glands.

Basal, lower, and sometimes also mid-stem leaves are withered by flowering.  Remaining stem leaves are lanceolate/oblanceolate, mostly untoothed, and have auriculate clasping bases.

Plants of successional or minimally-managed fields, damp thickets and roadsides; generally open habitats.  Flowers late August into October.  Native..




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