Home               Composite Family
  Solidago sempervirens  L.

Seaside goldenrod.....

Perennial.  Typical plant height is from 3 to 5 feet.  Stems are  clustered from a short caudex; glabrous throughout.

Inflorescences are dense, many-branched, often club-shaped or pyramid shaped.  Flower heads are relatively large, arranged one-sided on branches; crowded

Flower heads are radiate.  Ray and disc floret corollas  are bright yellow.

Basal and lower stem leaves are often persistent at flowering; bases are partially sheathing.  Stem leaves are copious, crowded, lanceolate/oblanceolate, glabrous, thick and somewhat fleshy.

Plants of ocean beaches, dunes and salt marshes; escaped or introduced to some interior roadsides.  Flowers mid-September to mid-October.  Native.




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